What link should I use?

Many people that are new to internet marketing aren't sure which link they should have T4Me send traffic to...
First and foremost, remember this simple formula:
Website Traffic = Money
If you're on this site, you most likely already have a website. Hopefully, this website is designed to collect leads and convert those leads into money. If that's the case, then you're ready to get some targeted traffic.
So, here's what we recommend:

With email traffic, we highly recommend that you first send to a lead capture page (also known as a "squeeze page"). This page, at the very minimum, should ask for the person's email address. Asking for first name is a good idea as well. However, the more information you ask for, the less percentage of people will opt-in.

If you're in a network marketing company, affiliate marketing company, or other online business opportunity, you'll find that our traffic works best when you promote the Opportunity (versus promoting the service or product you're selling.

TrafficForMe has a ton of "Biz Op" traffic available. These are business opportunity seekers - or people looking to make money online. So, again, you'll want to promote our biz op traffic to a page that talks about making money.  

Yes, we have other target markets available as well. These lists are typically 50-100% more of an investment per click - and thus it's best to start out with "Biz Op / Make Money Online" at first.
We also recommend that you watch the videos in this help section entitled "Best BizOp Landing Pages" for further info on this topic as well as "The Simple Formula" video, too.
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